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My TCM Practice

I have seen and witnessed the power of acupuncture. I have treated hundreds of people experiencing all kinds of ailments. I run my practice from my heart and focus entirely on the patients I have at the time. I only see one patient at a time with a small number of consults available per day so that I can make sure each patient is receiving the highest possible care. 

While I do treat a range of issues, including cancer, chronic pain, joint and muscular pain, menopause, and the myriad of things that can go wrong with out bodies, my focus is on women's reproductive health. The main focus of my clinical practice is pre-conception, pregnancy, fertility and postnatal support.

I use a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine practices including acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, dietary and lifestyle advice, and coaching support. My practice combines talk and touch therapies to help balance body, mind and soul.

If you are experiencing an issue not described below, but would like my support, please get in touch and we can discuss if I am the right practitioner for you.

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